Our Experience with Washington State Ferries Claims

Over the decades, our award-winning maritime injury lawyers have assisted hundreds of ferry workers obtain recoveries after an injury working for the Washington State Ferries. We are proud to represent this hard-working, dedicated group of captains, mates, engineers, oilers, deckhands, able bodied seamen, ordinary seamen, concession employees, and other ferry workers. These union seamen are the backbone of commerce in Washington State and are skilled mariners who protect the safety of the traveling public everyday throughout Puget Sound. Questions about your right to compensation following an injury on a Washington State ferry? Contact one of our ferry worker injury lawyers for a free consultation.
By holding the ferry system accountable for injuries to its workers and unsafe conditions on the ferries, our law firm is proud to have made the ferry system a better, safer place to work and travel. Without accountability, unsafe conditions would be allowed to persist and more injuries would occur to workers and the traveling public. We aim to point out unsafe practices at the ferry system and help injured workers and their families with financial compensation following an injury.
Unlike most workplaces on land, the potential for serious, large-scale injuries to workers and passengers is heightened when large ferries are moving thousands of passengers every day across Puget Sound. As large-scale ferry accidents have demonstrated in other parts of the country, Washington residents must continue to demand that safety is given top-priority on Washington ferries, both for the protection of workers and the public at-large.
As lawyers representing injured ferry workers, we are prepared to prosecute meritorious claims involving injuries to workers on all Washington State ferries, including the following vessels:
Jumbo Mark II Class:
- M/V Puyallup
- M/V Tacoma
- M/V Wenatchee
Jumbo Class:
- M/V Spokane
- M/V Walla Walla
Super Class:
- M/V Elwha
- M/V Hyak
- M/V Kaleetan
- M/V Yakima
Issaquah 130 Class:
- M/V Cathlamet
- M/V Chelan
- M/V Issaquah
- M/V Kitsap
- M/V Kittitas
Issaquah 100 Class:
- M/V Sealth
Evergreen State Class:
- M/V Evergreen State
- M/V Klahowya
- M/V Tillikum
Hiyu Class:
- M/V Hiyu
Personalized Legal Service for Injured Ferry Workers
We are large enough to offer cutting-edge service for injured maritime workers and small enough to provide a personalized experience. When you retain our firm to represent you, you will work directly with at least one experienced maritime lawyer and we will work hard to obtain maximum financial compensation for your injuries. Contact us today for a free claim evaluation to get more information about your rights as an injured ferry worker.